Government earned Rs 4,792 crore GST on education services in FY24

Economic Times

Goods and Services tax: Pankaj Chaudhary, minister of state in the ministry of finance said in Lok Sabha that the government has earned Rs 4792.4 crore on taxing various education services which are currently not exemtp from GST. However certain education services still attract nil GST, read below to find what the minister said.

Educational services such as services provided by schools are exempted from GST. Pankaj Chaudhary, minister of state in the Ministry of Finance said in Lok Sabha on November 25, 2024, that the government collected Rs 4792.40 crores as Goods and Services Tax (GST) on education services which are not exempt under GST in FY 2023-24. The government collects 18% GST on commercial educational services such as coaching and training.

The Service Accounting Code (SAC) for such services is 9992 on which 18% GST rate is levied.

How much GST has the government earned from educational services?

The minister said in a response to a question by Dr. D Ravi Kumar: The data for GST collected on education services, which are not exempted, such as commercial training and coaching, for the past three years is tabulated below:
Lok Sabha

Lok Sabha

Educational services exempt from GST as per GST Council recommendations

The minister answered a query raised by Dr. D Ravi Kumar and said: GST rates and exemptions are prescribed on the basis of the recommendations of the GST Council, which is a constitutional body comprising of members from both the Union and State/UT Governments. 

“Services provided by educational institutions to its students, faculty, and staff are exempt from GST. ‘Educational institution’ has been defined under GST exemption notification to mean an institution providing services by way of: 
(i) pre-school education and education up to higher secondary school or equivalent; 
(ii) education as a part of a curriculum for obtaining a qualification recognised by any law for the time being in force; 
(iii) education as a part of an approved vocational education course.

Furthermore, supply of services relating to admission or conduct of examination by educational institutions are exempt from GST.

Additionally, the following services provided to schools, up to higher secondary, are also exempt: 
(i) transportation of students, faculty and staff; 
(ii) catering, including mid-day meals sponsored by the government; 
(iii) security or cleaning or housekeeping services. 

Services of affiliation provided by a Central or State Educational Board or Council or any other similar body, by whatever name called, to Government schools have been given exemption from GST w.e.f. 10.10.2024 as recommended by GST Council in its 54th meeting.

Educational services not exempt from GSTOther than the above exempted education services, services such as commercial training and coaching attract 18% GST. Printed books including Braille books, newspapers, journals and periodicals, whether or not illustrated or containing advertising material, and children’s picture, drawing or coloring books do not attractGST . The fee charged for issuance of migration certificates and duplicate certificates by educational institutions to their students is exempt from GST.

Services not likely to get GST relief in near future

When asked whether the government aims to exempt education services which are currently subject to GST, the ministersaid: “GST rates and exemptions are prescribed on the basis of the recommendations of the GST Council, which is a Constitutional body comprising of members from both the Union and State/UT Governments. Details of exemptions from GST on education-related services have been given above. Currently there is no recommendation from the GST Council for further exemption in this regard.”

Chartered Accountant Ashish Niraj, Partner, A S N & Company, who has also handled Special Audit under GST, says: “By exempting core educational services provided by educational institutions government is fulfilling its constitutional obligation of providing free and compulsory elementary education to every child. However, it’s a fact that in today’s era there is vast level of commercialization of educational activity by various institutions. To keep a balance between both Government has made GST exempt on certain education services which are deemed part of core education activity, and other than those exempt education services the services such as commercial training and coaching services attract 18% GST. Education institutions are also defined in GST so that there is not any ambiguity. The government keeps getting representations to include various services related to education in exempted categories, decisions on which in taken by GST Council.”