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Vishal Chauhan Vs Haryana State GST


High Court - Punjab and Haryana (Criminal Petition)

Power to arrest should not be exercised without clear evidence of wrongdoing and an assessment under the relevant GST provisions is necessary before determining culpability

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Prathipati Teene Venkayamma and Others Vs State Of Andhra Pradesh


High Court - Andhra Pradesh (Criminal Petition)

Mere apprehensions of evidence tampering do not justify refusal of bail

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Pradip Kumar Jain Vs Union of India


High Court - Allahabad (Criminal Petition)

Bail granted for lack of evidence beyond statements and prolonged detention

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Satyendra Singh Kushwah Vs State of Jharkhand


High Court - Jharkhand (Criminal Petition)

Criminal proceedings arising from a complaint filed under Section 174 of the IPC quashed as the taxpayer had replied to the summons, providing details of payments made

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Munavver Ismail Memon Vs State Of Gujarat


High Court - Gujarat (Criminal Petition)

Bail cannot be denied on merely raising the contention that investigation is still going on

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Saurabh Mittal Vs Union Of India


High Court - Delhi (Criminal Petition)

Summons for appearance issued u/s 70 and the authorization for arrest issued u/s 69(1), do not fall within the ambit of 'Criminal Proceedings'

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Sentu Dey Vs State Of Tripura


High Court - Tripura and Agartala (Criminal Petition)

Tax administration of the State should not invoke IPC provisions without application of mind

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Kamlesh Suvalal Soni Vs State of Gujarat


High Court - Gujarat (Criminal Petition)

Bail application is allowed on executing a bond with local sureties

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